If you asked me if I loved him, I'd lie.
I've decided that "love" as such isn't really... there. I think it feels different for everyone. I think that people can be in love in different levels. What about the time when you were fourteen and convinced that you were in love with your first boyfriend? Maybe that's as much "in love" as you could be.
Me? I don't think so.
I think that the way I felt for certain people was stronger than a crush. I mean, I've liked people. I've loved people, but not in an in love way. I've been debilitated and delirious over the pain I've been in over people, but I wouldn't say I've ever had my heart broken.
Boys are fools. Girls are no better.
I think we all suck.
Nobody really cares about anyone's hearts.
Or what's left of them, anyways.
Better entries later. Promise.
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