Saturday, March 03, 2007

"doomed to marry someone i hate"

I was reading a bunch of things about how people have the lives they've always dreamed of, a job they love, a husband that they're madly in love with and the normal things that everyone else wants.
And then I started to think. Because, really? I highly doubt that I'm going to be that person. I'll either be the girl who marries someone for money, for looks, for prestige, or convenience. Because it sure as hell won't be because someone meets me, gets to know me and still loves me. That's okay, I could be a trophy wife, I could be a workaholic. But I'm doomed to marry someone I barely care about. It's honestly fine with me though. Because he won't care either. Huh, sounds like a lot of my relationships.
I should be more upset about this, shouldn't I?


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